Generaldirektion Wasserstraßen und Schifffahrt

Exclusion of commitment and user conditions of ELWIS-Abo

Nationalflagge Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Haftungsausschluss und Nutzungsbedingungen für ELWIS-Abo (Interner Link)

By the use of ELWIS-Abo, the user automatically accepts the following exclusion of commitment and the user conditions of ELWIS-Abo.

ELWIS-Abo is a service of the Electronic Waterway Information Service (ELWIS), which is accessible under the web-address (Internal link). Additionally to the user conditions for ELWIS-Abo mentioned below, the exclusion of commitment for the complete ELWIS-service is also valid.

  1. ELWIS-Abo contains:

    • an automatic notice
      • with selected information
      • that is sent regularly or event-driven
      • by e-mail to a freely selectable e-mail address.

  2. For the use of ELWIS-Abo an e-mail address is necessary. In case you want to send the information to a mobile phone via SMS this must be a mobile phone e-mail address.

  3. The user of ELWIS-Abo is responsible for the arrangement of an e-mail address or a mobile phone e-mail address.

  4. The information of ELWIS-Abo is provided free of charge by the German Waterways and Shipping Administration (WSV).

  5. By the use of ELWIS-Abo, the user has to pay the phone costs for the internet connection and/or the costs for the internet provider and/or the mobile phone network provider. These costs resulting of the use of ELWIS-Abo are sole matter of the user and will not be refunded by the German Waterways and Shipping Administration (WSV).

  6. The user has no legal claim on the availability of the subscribed data towards the German Waterways and Shipping Administration (WSV).

  7. The user has no legal claim on the accuracy of the published information.

  8. The user is self-responsible for the selection of the information and the correct declaration of the destination address (e-mail address), where the information should be sent to.

  9. If there is no transmission of an e-mail regaring the registration to the declared e-mail address an hour after registration, the declared e-mail address obviously is not valid or incorrect. In this case, an new registration of the user will be necessary.

  10. If a user does not want to use the information of ELWIS-Abo-service any longer, it is necessary to deregister oneself.

Stand: 18. August 2017